Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Introducing my blog

Hi, welcome to my blog.

My name is Simon von Bromley and I’m a writer and photographer.

I work for www.bikeradar.com, where I write / podcast / appear in videos about bikes and cycling.

I also make pictures of things other than bikes. I’m into ‘Photography’. I love it and also find it incredibly frustrating at times, too.

If I’m being honest, I haven’t had as much success with photography as I’d hoped, and that’s been painful.

Pixelated portrait of Simon von Bromley

I keep coming back to it, though, and if I’m going to do anything, it feels useful to have somewhere to publish it. Ideally, it will help important people will discover my genius.

Blogging seems outdated in 2023, but it still feels like a good option for what I want to do.

Twitter, Instagram and Facebook are all past their best and aren’t suited to what I want to do. Making videos for YouTube takes too much work. I’m too old for TikTok.

This space will be somewhere to publish my pictures and writings about photography, then.

I also want to write about tech.

Because of its popularity with hobbyists, ‘real’ photographers can be sniffy about tech.

Many photographers don’t like to be defined by their tools. “No one asks a painter what brushes they used”, and no one wants their camera getting too much credit for their creativity.

Simon von Bromley focusing a large format camera

Tech is rarely the most important thing, of course. Interesting pictures can be made with any camera. More megapixels doesn’t equal better pictures.

But photography is a technical art form. The tech does matter. What camera we use, what lens we use, how the images are processed, all matters.

Different cameras produce different pictures. More (or fewer) megapixels can be useful for certain things.

And, though some don’t like to admit it, a lot of photographers I’ve met love to talk about gear (especially the men). Most, at the very least, have cameras they like more than others.

So I'm going to talk about tech, amongst other things.

Like the true amateur photographer I am, I’m also going to post my pictures of cats (#streetpussy).

Child stroking a cat

Finding subjects

Finding a subject or project can be difficult. While it can sometimes feel like there aren’t any interesting things to photograph, the real ...